Friday, December 30, 2011

two thousand eleven, two thousand twelve.

As the year comes to a close, many of us look back on the year and reminisce. We categorize our memories into the good and the best, and hope for happiness and good fortune in the coming year. And then come the new year's resolutions, a way of looking forward and setting goals. As I sit at my computer on the cusp of the new year, I couldn't help but decide that I wanted to finally get this blog off the ground. I don't want it to be a tumblr, which always ends up either being a catalogue of random internet pictures or a collection of frustratingly cryptic posts by which I really meant nothing and only wished to put down my random thoughts. Instead, I hope for it to be a way to keep track of the things that are important to me. A curated collage of the current events, thoughts, discoveries, and things that I just find interesting. 

At the beginning of the school year, I posted a picture that I think I should revisit. Instead of new year's resolutions, I want to start off the year with a new year's reminder, with a little twist of my own.Think positively. Exercise daily. Eat healthy. Work hard. Play harder. Stay strong. Worry less. Read More. Be Happy. Volunteer. Relax. Love. Live.